In the late 1990s and early 2000s, part of Apple’s print advertising included magazine inserts. These inserts were “mini-magazines” within magazines. They were glued with a pliable rubber cement that could be easily removed.
The front page of this advertisement is just the words (in the Apple Garamond font) “Get a new Mac for $99.” with the Apple logo.
The 8-page folded and stapled insert opens to the first 2-page spread showing a Mac OS 8.5 CD in a hand with the headline, “Introducing our most powerful Macintosh yet. (Shown actual size.).” The center spread highlights Sherlock, Apple’s then-new search tool. The final spread highlights new Mac OS features for PowerPC Mac models.
The back cover shows the software box and the headline, “Small investment, big return.”
Folded, the size of the insert is 7.5 x 10.5 inches.