The term “sketchnoting” has been around since at least 2006 and started to gain popularity in education around 2012. My definition of sketchnoting is visual note taking that uses words, images, and diagrams to summarize and synthesize information.
I usually create my sketchnotes on iPad with an Apple Pencil or a Logitech Crayon in Apple’s Keynote app. I use a combination of freehand drawing, tracing, and my own handwritten “fonts” (printing, cursive, block characters, my version of an all-caps font that resembles handwriting in jazz band charts, and a simplified calligraphy).
Here are several examples of my sketchnotes.
All episodes (and events) of the podcast Lightning Bugs: Conversations with Ben Folds.
Podcast home, Apple Podcasts, YouTube channel:
Selected speakers from the August 2021 Global Leadership Summit (Willow Creek in South Barrington, IL):