The Mac Manual: The Step-by-step Guide to Upgrading, Maintaining and Repairing a Mac (by Keith Martin, 2003)

This is a rare Mac Collection blog entry for a non-Apple product, but I consider its crossover appeal to warrant its own post. Many thanks to Tom for this gift that was purchased at the Haynes Motor Museum in Sparkford, Yeovil, Somerset, England.

For automobile enthusiasts worldwide, Haynes is instantly recognizable as “the worldwide leader in automotive and powersports equipment repair, maintenance and customization manuals, with over 150 million sold to date globally.” The publisher is based in the United Kingdom, and they note on their website:

“Haynes Publishing was founded in 1960. The main office is located in Somerset, England. The Haynes Manuals team is headquartered in Newbury Park, CA [USA] and is part of Haynes North America, Inc., which also publishes Chilton Repair Manuals in print and Clymer Repair Manuals in both print and online editions.”

Haynes Manuals are written by expert technicians and based upon tear-downs of each vehicle that they describe as a “step-by-step procedure for dismantling a vehicle or piece of equipment part-by-part. This is followed by the detailed rebuilding of the vehicle.” Hundreds of photos and videos accompany the tear-down process that are used in creating the manuals. They tout their manuals as “the ultimate DIY guide books for used, collector, and newer model vehicles and powersports equipment.”

In addition to automotive manuals, Haynes has offered manuals in their signature style in a variety of “lifestyle” categories. As of 2024 their website lists the following lifestyle options: Aviation; Maritime; Military; Motorcycling; Motorsport; Music; Rail; Space; Caravanning & Camping; Cooking, Food + Drink; Computing; Fitness, Sport + Wellbeing; Hobbies + Leisure Activities; Home, DIY + Garden; History + People; Pet & Animal Care; and Sci-Fi.

This Haynes tome is from 2003 and is titled The Mac Manual: The Step-by-step Guide to Upgrading, Maintaining and Repairing a Mac by Keith Martin (2023).

The back of the book provides the following description:

“This full-colour manual shows how easy it is to upgrade, maintain and repair a Mac – from a beige G3 to a flat-screen iMac. From adding more memory or upgrading the processor to installing a new DVD drive, it takes the reader through each stage using plain English and clear step-by-step photographs. Along with information on software and peripherals, this manual will save you time and money, giving a basic understanding of all areas of Mac hardware and installation – without blinding you with science.”

The author, Keith Martin, at the time of its publication was considered “an acknowledged Mac expert with a talent for debunking jargon and explaining how things work in plain English, is the full-time Technical Editor of MacUser, the UK’s most authoritative and best-selling Mac magazine. He lives in south-west London.” As of 2024, he describes himself as a “consultant, practitioner and lecturer in print and digital publishing, design, tech, and 360 virtual reality imaging.”

Sources: Haynes Motor Museum, Haynes (What We Do, About), Amazon, Keith Martin

Mac OS X Panther, Version 10.3, installer CDs and guides (2003)

Mac OS X Panther, Version 10.3, was the fourth major release of the Mac OS X [ten] operating system, and the second to be referred to by its codename, “Panther,” in its product marketing. Previous versions were codenamed “Cheetah” (Version 10.0) and “Puma” (Version 10.1), but they were referred to only by their version numbers. Version 10.2 was publicly announced as “Jaguar,” and this version, 10.3, continued the “big cat” codenames with “Panther.”

According to Apple, “Panther delivers more than 150 breakthrough new features including a completely new Finder that provides one-click access to a user’s favorite files and folders; Exposé, a revolutionary new way to instantly see all open windows at once; and iChat AV, a complete desktop video conferencing solution for business, education and consumers.”

This set includes all installer CDs and a set of three 7.5 x 9-inch booklets, including installation directions, the software license, and a “Welcome to Panther” booklet describing the operating system’s main features. The set is packaged in a 8.25 x 9.25-inch clear plastic envelope.

When it was released on October 24, 2003, this Mac OS X upgrade cost US$129.

Source: Apple

iTunes Apple Store brochure (2003)

This iTunes Apple Store brochure from 2003 announced an iPod giveaway. The cover is bright green with the iconic “silhouette” design featuring a person dancing in black silhouette carrying a white iPod and wearing white Apple wired earbuds. The cover reads:

“iTunes. It’s the world’s best jukebox software. It’s for Mac and Windows. It’s free. And it could win you an iPod.”

The back of the brochure has the headline “iTunes. Ready. Set. Download.” It includes the directions to set up iTunes online, thereby automatically entering to win an “iPod-a-day” until December 23, 2003.

This 1-page brochure measures 4.25 x 8.75 inches.

Xserve brochure (2003)

This brochure provides information about Apple’s Xserve line of rack-mounted servers, produced between 2002–2011. According to Apple, Xserve was a:

“powerful 1U rack-mount server designed with Apple’s legendary ease-of-use for groundbreakingly simple set up and remote management. Designed from the ground up as the perfect complement to Apple’s UNIX-based Mac OS X Server software, Xserve is ideal for business and education customers. Xserve provides exceptional performance in a compact 1U rack-mount server… Xserve includes an unlimited user license to Mac OS X Server software, offering users a perfect combination for file/print service, video streaming, database applications, computational clustering and web and mail serving.”

Three basic Xserve models were sold: Xserve G4, Xserve G5, and Xserve Xeon.

This brochure is 9 x 12 inches, printed on matte paper, and features a side pocket on the back cover in which current product data sheets could be inserted. The brochure profiles several uses for Xserve including mission-critical applications for fraud prevention, UNIX development, public school network services, and fast file sharing in a creative environment.

My brochure included education-oriented materials in the back pocket, including Apple Remote Desktop, Mac OS X Server, Xserve, and Xserve RAID. In the various school districts where I served, I have used all of those products in the past.

Sources: Wikipedia, Apple

iLife. For the classroom. books (2003)

Two books with the same cover photo (three girls filming themsleves with a DV camera) are headed with “iLife. For the classroom.” and titled, Engage and motivate students with Apple’s new suite of integrated digital media software. The books are spiral bound, have a clear plastic cover, and five tabbed sections. One book is divided into the sections Language Arts/Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Other. The second version of the book replaces the “Other” tab with a “Step by Step” tab.

The first section of the book is printed in color and describes the iLife suite as “Tools that power today’s classroom.” Each tabbed section’s pages is printed in black and includes projects created by educators including a Project Description, Outcomes, Technology Skills, Tools and Resources, Assessment Suggestions, Tech Tips, and more.

Many of these activities were written by my friends who are teachers and Apple Distinguished Educators.

The pages measure 8.5 x 11 inches, are spiral bound, and the tabs add an extra 0.5 inch—making the full book 9 x 11 inches. Each section of these books is paginated separately. The March 2003 edition has approximately 68 pages and the June 2003 edition has approximately 82 pages.

Product brochures collection (2003)

These product brochures were available in Apple Stores and elsewhere in the early 2000s. They measured 4.25 x 6.5 inches folded, and designs were sometimes stapled and folded out into different layouts. All of these brochures feature a photo of the product on the front panel and specifications on the back panel.

Apple Displays (January 2003)
This stapled Apple Displays brochure features a 3-up fold out section showing three models: 20-inch Apple Cinema Display, 23-inch Apple Cinema HD Display, and 17-inch Apple Studio Display. The next 2-up layout includes:
10 reasons why Apple all-digital LCD displays are clearly superior.
All-digital active-matrix LCD.
Pure digital interface.
Wide viewing angle.
Fast pixel response.
Save on energy bills.
Color fidelity.
Uniform color.
Stable colors.
Easy to calibrate.

The final pages include product specifications.

Power Mac G4 (January 2003)
This stapled 8-page brochure features a Power Mac G4 (mirrored drive door) on the cover. The next 2-page spread shows the Power Mac G4 with the door open and the copy:
“Power Mac G4. Super fast. Super affordable. Supercomputer.
The new Power Mac G4 features faster performance, more expansion, and the highly efficient Xserve-based dual processing architecture.”
The center spread features the headline, “The ultimate system for the digital pro.”
The last pages contain Technical Specifications and Power Mac G4 configurations.

iPod+iTunes Mac and Windows (October 2003)
The cover of this brochure is bright yellow and features the iconic “silhouette” iPod imagery—a black silhouette of a person holding a white iPod wearing white earbuds connected by white wires. The opening copy reads:
“iPod and iTunes. Perfect harmony. Together, iPod and iTunes changed the way Mac users listen to music. Now everyone can join the digital music revolution, because iTunes now works on Windows PCs—the same way it does on a Mac. So no matter what computer you use, you can enjoy the most acclaimed portable digital music player and jukebox software ever created. And go anywhere with up to 10,000 songs in your pocket.”
The remainder of the brochure features iPod and iTunes features and specifications.

Power Mac G5 (July 2003)
The Power Mac G5 brochure opens to a 2-up layout with the headline “Power Mac G5 The worlds fastest personal computer.” along with a “hero” photo of the product. The next 4-up horizontal layout features four stunning photographs, each representing one of four disciplines: color graphics, video production, scientific research, and music production. It fully opens to an 8-up mini poster with the headline, “The Power Mac G5. Unprecedented everything.”

Apple Store Events guides collection (2003, 2004)

In the early 2000s, Apple Stores provided printed brochures to customers to announce their upcoming in-store events. Flagship Apple Stores, such as North Michigan Avenue (Chicago, IL) and Ginza (Tokyo, Japan), used full-color, fold-open designs that featured stunning photography and many events. Smaller stores, such as Woodfield (Schaumburg, IL), used a more basic design.

This collection of Apple Store Event Guides includes three stores from 2003 and 2004.

Apple Store North Michigan Avenue Events June 27–July 31, 2003

The flagship store Apple Store, North Michigan Avenue, then located at 679 North Michigan Avenue, promised “The ultimate Apple experience.” The cover of this brochure invited Apple Store visitors to “Celebrate the grand opening of the Apple Store, North Michigan Avenue, the most amazing Apple Store yet. Grand opening events include appearances by a guest musical artist, DJs, and performers, as well as presentations about digital photography, music, and so much more.”

Indeed, a series of “Made on a Mac” talks listed thirteen different speakers, including rock legends Cheap Trick. Each night also included “music demonstrations featuring a different musical guest.” The Music Nights included a performance and demo of the iPod and iTunes Music Store.

Folded, this brochure measures 4.25 x 8.5 inches.

Apple Store North Michigan Avenue Calendar of Events September 2003

The Apple Store North Michigan Avenue Calendar of Events for September 2003 included features in the Apple Studio Series offering in-depth, personalized instruction; offers on HP printers; a synopsis of Final Cut apps; descriptions of store services; and an extensive schedule of events in the Theater, Studio, and Genius Bar. The brochure includes a “More than a store” description:

“We’ve taken everything we learned from our other stores and designed the ultimate Apple Store especially for you. It’s filled with the full range of Apple products and accessories, including the entire iPod family, and a selection of digital cameras, camcorders, and other products. We offer more than 300 unique educational events every month, covering every aspect of the Mac. We even put in our first-ever Internet Café with 16 computers where you can check your email and experience the Mac at your own pace.”

Folded, this brochure measures 4.25 x 8.5 inches.

Apple Store Woodfield Calendar of Events: May/June 2003

This more subdued brochure folded sideways into four panels. The cover stated: “Join us for a variety of unique and educational presentations, demonstrations, and workshops throughout the year—all free of charge—and discover how to take full advantage of Mac products and solutions.” It also included a daily calendar of events and described Apple Presentations and Apple Workshops that were offered in the store. This brochure also described the now defunct “Mac Pac” service: “Mac Pac is a complete service solution that helps you get started on your Mac and keeps you going.”

Folded, this brochure measures 4.25 x 8.75 inches.

Apple Store Ginza Calendar of Events June 2004

The Apple Store Ginza in Tokyo is another flagship Apple Store. This brochure was similar to the North Michigan Avenue brochure and offered its own unique “More than a store” statement:

“The Apple Store, Ginza, brings one of America’s most exciting new shopping experiences to Tokyo. Here you will find four full floors dedicated to Apple’s legendary products, including our full line of computers, the entire iPod family, and the iSight web camera, as well as digital cameras and camcorders that work perfectly with a Mac. You’re invited to check your email and try out iChat AV at the Internet Cafe. Attend a free Mac workshop in our state-of-the art theater. Or get advice at our Genius Bar. As your neighbor, Apple is honored to have you as our guest.”

The back of the brochure highlighted each of the store’s 5 floors:
1F: Home, Pro
2F: Genius Bar, Movies, Music, Photo
3F: Theater
4F: Accessories, Software, Kids, Internet Café
5F: Studio Training Center

Folded, this brochure measures 4.25 x 8.5 inches.