This collection of Apple Service Source CD-ROMs is from 1995–1998. These CDs were provided by Apple to allow authorized repairs of Apple equipment.
The CDs contain the following types of files and information:
Service Source Startup—A HyperCard document explaining the contents of the CD-ROM and a folder containing Service Source Files.
System Stuff (folder)—Applications and system files such as Apple QuickTime extension file, the Apple CD-ROM driver, 32-bit Color Quickdraw, and TeachText.
Disk Images (folder)—Applications such as HyperCard.
Clips (folder)—QuickTime movies and animations that demonstrate difficult repairs and the locations of hard-to-find components.
Viewer (folder)—Inside Mac Viewer, a utility to display archived and international-only service information.
Apple TechStep (folder)—release notes for late-breaking and critical information about TechStep tests.
AppleOrder (folder)—AppleOrder application.
Q-Stack TAC (folder)—HyperCard stack to send technical questions to the Apple Technical Assistance Center.
What’s New.Archive (TeachText document)—text file that archives the “What’s New” section of previous releases of Service Source, organized by release date and product.