This Tiger World Premiere brochure was given at Apple stores the evening of the “Tiger,” Mac OS X, version 10.4, operating system’s release. A giveaway accompanied the event. The front of the brochure reads: “Win a PowerBook G4, an iPod, or other prizes. Friday, April 29, 6 p.m. to midnight.”
The back of the brochure has the headline: “Rethought. Reengineered. Reborn.” Several of Tiger’s “over 200 new features” are highlighted below, including: Spotlight, iChat AV, Automator, .Mac, Dashboard, Safari RSS, QuickTime 7, and Mail.
Upon release, Tiger cost $129.95. While Tiger was the current Mac OS, Apple transitioned to Macs with Intel chips. Therefore, Tiger was the first Mac OS to support the Intel architecture on Mac. Tiger was preceded by Mac OS X 10.3 Panther and succeeded by Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
This 1-page brochure measures 4.25 x 8.75 inches and was printed with metallic ink.