My collection of Apple CD and DVD media includes operating systems, applications, software collections that shipped with devices, promotional media, diagnostic tools, and educational content. In general, Apple-branded CD or DVD examples in original packaging have been presented separately, while single discs or collections of discs are presented chronologically.
Apple CDs from 2000 include:
- iMac Software Restore (SSW version 9.0.3, 691-2524-A, 2000)
- Software Bundle (600-9396-A, iMac Media, 2000)
- iMac Software Restore 1 of 4 (Mac OS versions 9.2, 10.0.4; CD version 1.0; 691-3177-A; 2000)
- iMac Applications (CD version 1.3, 691-3195-A, 2000)
- Software Bundle (600-7881-A, 2000)
- Software Bundle (600-9194, Power Mac G4 Media, 2000)
- Software Bundle (600-8137A, 2000)
- iMac Software Restore (SSW version 9.0.4, CD version 1.1, 691-2704-A, 2000)
- iMac Software Install (SSW version 9.0.4, CD version 1.1, 691-2703-A, 2000)
- Software Bundle (600-7837A, 2000)
- iBook Software Restore (SSW version 9.0.4, 691-2633-A, 2000)
- iMovie 2 (Version 2.0, Z691-2515-A, 2000)
- iMovie 2 (Version 2.0.1, Z691-2764-B, 2000)
- AppleWorks 6 For Mac OS (Version 6.0, Z691-2344-A, 2000)
- Mac OS 9 (Version 9.1, 691-2746-A, 2000)
- Learn & Earn Program, March 2000 (Apple Channel & Sales Training)
- Macintosh Products Guide, Winter 2000
Apple shipped CD bundles in cardboard envelope packages in 2000. Since each computer required a different number of CDs, various envelope sizes were used to accommodate the number of CDs. At least two different envelope designs were used in 2000: a white envelope with a graphite Apple logo and a blue/gray envelope with a white Apple logo.