The Apple Watch Leather Link was an Apple Watch band released in 2020. The design is similar to Apple’s previous Leather Loop design, but while the Leather Loop included a metal “eye” that looped back on itself, the Leather Link is secured solely by magnets.
Apple described the Leather Link:
“The Leather Link features handcrafted Roux Granada leather made in France. The strap elegantly wraps around the wrist and magically attaches with flexible moulded magnets that gently flex to help maintain a secure, comfortable fit throughout the day.”
In their press release, Apple mentioned: “The first-of-its-kind Leather Link wraps elegantly around the wrist, effortlessly attaching on the other side with flexible molded magnets.”
The Leather Link came in sizes including 41mm in S/M (130–160mm wrists) and M/L (140–180mm wrists), and 45mm in S/M (140–180mm wrists) and M/L (165–205mm wrists).
This example is Midnight, a shade of black, for the 45mm Apple Watch, and fit wrists in the M/L size range.
Source: Apple