The Apple Watch Series 1 models were similar to the original Apple Watch, but used a more powerful dual core processor. Like its successor, this Watch was controlled with a Digital Crown and a Force Touch display, and it needed to be paired with an iPhone 5 (or newer).
This Apple Watch Series 1 model is a 42 mm version (a 38 mm version was also available) and used a 312×390 display. The battery was reported to last up to 18 hours, but specific functions were reported to use more battery power than others (e.g., 3 hours of talk time, 6.5 hours of audio playback, 8 hours of working out).
The Apple Watch Series 1 was originally sold in four configurations:
- silver aluminum case with white Sport Band
- gold aluminum case with cocoa (dark brown) Sport Band
- rose gold aluminum case with midnight blue Sport Band
- space gray aluminum case with black Sport Band
The Sport Bands were made of fluoroelastomer rubber.
This Apple Watch Series 1 was purchased with a silver aluminum case with white Sport Band. The band pictured is a black Sport Band.