The Apple Watch “Edition” is the name Apple gave to its most exclusive models of the Apple Watch. Original Apple Watch Edition models were considered highly exclusive with a price tag to match—the 38mm 18-Karat gold version was priced at $10,000, the 42mm version was $12,000, and the most expensive option went for $17,000. The Edition version that was released along with the Series 2 Apple Watch models reimagined the original Apple Watch Edition idea.
The Apple Watch Edition Series 2 was still exclusive, but instead of a precious metal, its material was a new, scratch-resistant ceramic. Apple described the composition and finish: “Sleek, light, and extremely durable, ceramic is more than four times as hard as stainless steel — with a pearly, lustrous finish that won’t scratch or tarnish.” The ceramic Apple Watch Edition started at $1,249 for the 38mm model, and the 42mm model was $1,299.
Apple touted a high level of craftsmanship behind this Apple Watch Edition. “The process of creating the Apple Watch Edition case begins with a high-strength zirconia powder that’s combined with alumina to achieve its rich, white color. Each case is then compression molded, sintered, and polished using a diamond slurry, which results in a remarkably smooth surface and an exquisite shine. With this precise level of workmanship, every Apple Watch Edition case takes days to make.”
For some reason, the Apple Watch Edition Series 2 models were slightly wider and taller than the aluminum and stainless counterparts by 0.1mm. It measured 42.6mm x 36.5mm x 11.4mm. The watch weighed in at 45.6g (for comparison, the 42mm aluminum was 34.2g and the 42mm stainless steel version was 52.4g). Like the stainless steel model, the OLED Retina display with Force Touch on the Edition used a Sapphire crystal at 312×390 pixels on the 42mm version.
All Series 2 Apple Watch models featured GPS and GLONASS, water resistance to 50 meters, a dual‑core processor, and a display twice as bright as the previous Apple Watch. Wireless connectivity included Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) and Bluetooth 4.0. Sensors included a heart rate sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, and ambient light sensor. The Edition included a Cloud Sport Band (a shade of light gray), and a Magnetic Charging Dock was included in the box.
One of the impressive features I found about this Apple Watch is in a small detail of the included band. Apple needed a band to show off the white ceramic case, but instead of including a white band, they included a light gray color they call “Cloud.” The Cloud color was never available separately, making it as exclusive as the Edition Watch. Since the band is a fluoroelastomer Sport Band, it requires a pin closure. Apple took the opportunity to make the closure pin in pearl white, a perfect complement to the case (most Sport Bands use stainless steel pins).
Sources: Apple, Web Archive (Apple), The Verge, 9to5mac