This Apple Distinguished Educator book publication was released in 2004 and is titled, Stories Worth Telling: A Guide to Creating Student-Led Documentaries. The book authors are Mary Palmer (English Teacher) and Perry Lee (Social Studies Teacher), from Central High School in Bismarck, North Dakota.
A Documentary Resource CD is also available as a companion to this book.
Written by teachers, the book is a how-to manual to teach the process of planning, writing, filming, and editing student-led documentaries using iMovie and other Apple software of the time.
Chapters include:
Chapter 1: Sharing Our Start
Chapter 2: Getting Started and Setting Expectations
Chapter 3: Managing the Project
Chapter 4: Managing the Production Process
Chapter 5: Interviewing Skills
Chapter 6: The Writing Process
Chapter 7: The Editing Process: Celebrating and Reaping the Benefits
Several Appendices include sample assessments, transcripts, and other templates.