This catalog is titled StartingLine: Apple Marketing Communications Catalog and was released in Spring 1993. It measures 8.5 x 11 inches and is spiral-bound with white plastic. The front and back covers feature colorful, brush-stroke stylized graphics of the types of products featured in the catalog. The cover describes the contents of the catalog as containing:
Ad Slicks
Product Art
Data Sheets
Over 150 new items to choose from
The Table of Contents reveals four major sections: Product Materials, Merchandising, Markets and Solutions, and Additional Information. The catalog provides a welcome message:
“Welcome to the Spring 1993 edition of StartingLine, Apple’s marketing communications catalog. As you can see, there have been some exciting changes. We’ve combined the Print, Revue, Merch, and Video catalogs into a single volume with hundreds of new items to line up to all your marketing and sales support programs. Plus, as always, we’ve included a completely updated Apple Media ToolKit CD-ROM, Apple’s electronic source for customizable marketing communications materials.”
For a collector, the Merchandising section of this catalog is a treasure trove of Apple-logo item information from the time. Included below are photos of the entire Merchandising section that provide product shots and descriptions. This source has allowed me to confirm provenance, date, and an “official” description for several items in my collection.
Source: Apple