Before Apple’s software developer program was referred to as “Apple Developer Program” (sometimes stylized as Developer), the original developer program was started in 1980 by user group in the Pacific Northwest of the United States—the Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.) User Group. The user group still exists as of 2023 and its website indicates:
“The Apple Programmers and Developers Association, or APDA, was started in 1980 by Don Williams in coordination with Apple, Inc. and A.P.P.L.E. The resulting tools produced by APDA were the tools with which all Apple programs have come to be and the resulting magazine which was produced quarterly was aptly named the APDAlog.”
Nearly a decade later, Apple reportedly purchased APDA. According to A.P.P.L.E.:
“In 1989, Apple Computer, Inc. bought APDA from A.P.P.L.E. for $3 Million and Apple began producing the APDA Log. The issues shown in this section are the ones produced by A.P.P.L.E. prior to Apple’s take over of the APDA.”
This magazine’s title is APDA Tools for Developers and was published by Apple in February 1993 as a successor to the APDA Log. This issue contains the following sections and articles:
- What’s New: New and updated products
- Getting Started in Macintosh Programming: Your first steps begin here
- Essentials: Self-paced training courses, Technical Notes, Getting Started bundles, and more.
- E.T.O.: Essentials, Tools, Objects: A subscription-based collection of powerful Apple development tools
- Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop: This powerful development platform offers the flexibility you need
- Object-Oriented Programming: MacApp, Macintosh Common Lisp, and other OOP tools and environments
- Media Integration: QuickTime and other multimedia software development products
- Apple UNIX Tools: A/UX development tools
- Programming Languages & Libraries: Develop applications for the Macintosh with C, Pascal, and more
- Debuggers & Supplemental Tools: MacsBug, Virtual User, ResEdit, and other programming tools
- Networking & Communications: Extend your reach with DAL, MacTCP, MacX25, MacX.400, and SNA•ps
- Hardware
- Books & References
The magazine measures 8.5 x 10.75 inches.
Source: A.P.P.L.E.