Out of the Box and Onto the Net booklet (1997)

This Apple Education Series booklet, titled Out of the Box and Onto the ’Net: The Internet, Teaching, and Mac OS 8 was written to explain to educators how to use Internet in school with the Mac OS 8 operating system.

The Table of Contents included the following sections:

  • Welcome
  • The Internet in Education
  • The Internet: an introduction
  • How the Internet is transforming education
  • Uses of the Internet in education
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Conducting research
  • Publishing on the World Wide Web
  • Getting ready to go online
  • Preparing students to go online
  • Learning activities and teacher resources
  • Mac OS 8 Internet Features
  • Mac OS 8 overview
  • Setting up your computer to access the Internet
  • Registering with an ISP
  • Adding or changing LAN or ISP settings
  • Creating and importing settings information
  • Connecting to and disconnecting from the Internet
  • Disconnecting from the Internet
  • Using the Connect To command
  • Sending e-mail with Mac OS 8
  • Personal Web Sharing
  • Mac OS Runtime for Java
  • Using the PointCast Network
  • Using the Mac OS Info Center

The book measures 8.5 x 11 inches with a full-color cover. The interior is printed in black.

Source: Apple

MacAdvocate CD-ROM (1997)

The 1997 Apple MacAdvocate CD-ROM is a marketing CD from Apple designed to allow Macintosh fans to convince other computer users to consider buying a Macintosh.

The inside of the CD explains the purpose of the CD:

Are you a MacAdvocate?

Do you plan your winter and fall vacations around the San Francisco and Boston MacWorld shows? Do you find yourself looking at Windows PC users and asking, “Why would they buy one of those without looking at a Mac?”
If you answered yes you probably are a MacAdvocate.
Welcome to the club.
As a fellow MacAdvocate, we want to provide you with the materials you need to win others over to the Macintosh—and the freedom it represents. That’s why we created this CD.
The 1997 MacAdvocate CD features all kinds of tools—such as product sheets, technology showcases, research studies, interactive demos, and system updates—you need to dazzle your friends and help you make the case that Macintosh is, simply put, the best personal computer you can buy. We’ve also included a couple of surprises, just to keep things interesting. So pop this CD into your local Macintosh and have a look. And feel free to give it to any of your Windows friends (yes, it runs on PCs too).
Because, after all, if we don’t show them, who will?

The CD part number is shown as L02177A.