Getting Started Book (2006)

This book, titled Getting Started: Apple Technology for Diverse Learners (An essential teaching and learning resource written by Apple Distinguished Educators) was released in October 2006 with contributions from Dr. Mary Male, Dianna Williamson, and Robert E.M. Craven—all from different California schools.

The book contains a Foreword and three main sections: Setting Up and Personalizing a Mac for Diverse Learner Needs, Using the Applications on a Mac With Diverse Learners, and Connecting Learner Needs With the Built-in Tools on a Mac. The book contains 62 pages and measures 9×7 inches.

Stories Worth Telling Book (2004)

This Apple Distinguished Educator book publication was released in 2004 and is titled, Stories Worth Telling: A Guide to Creating Student-Led Documentaries. The book authors are Mary Palmer (English Teacher) and Perry Lee (Social Studies Teacher), from Central High School in Bismarck, North Dakota.

A Documentary Resource CD is also available as a companion to this book.

Written by teachers, the book is a how-to manual to teach the process of planning, writing, filming, and editing student-led documentaries using iMovie and other Apple software of the time.

Chapters include:
Chapter 1: Sharing Our Start
Chapter 2: Getting Started and Setting Expectations
Chapter 3: Managing the Project
Chapter 4: Managing the Production Process
Chapter 5: Interviewing Skills
Chapter 6: The Writing Process
Chapter 7: The Editing Process: Celebrating and Reaping the Benefits

Several Appendices include sample assessments, transcripts, and other templates.

Documentary Resource CD (2004)

This Documentary Resource CD was a companion to an Apple Distinguished Educator book from 2004, Stories Worth Telling: A Guide to Creating Student-Led Documentaries. The student featured on the front of the CD packaging is the same female student featured on the cover of the book.

The book authors are Mary Palmer (English Teacher) and Perry Lee (Social Studies Teacher), from Central High School in Bismarck, North Dakota.